Boost Your Copywriting By Ditching Adverbs

Learn copywriting improvement to stengthen your skills by eliminating adverbs. Discover expert tips for more effective and persuasive content.
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We’ve all been there, in search of copywriting improvement – struggling to find the perfect word to describe an action or emotion.

As copywriters, we aim to convey ideas with clarity and persuasion to our readers. We want to paint a vivid picture using words. 

Transform your copywriting by substituting overused adverbs with specific, descriptive verbs.

Let’s look at how focusing on verbs can deliver copywriting improvement.

Why Adverbs Weaken Your Copy?

First, what are adverbs? Chances are, you’ve used them before without recognizing it.

Adverbs often end with ‘-ly’ and modify verbs to describe the how, when, where, or why of an action. Some common examples are quickly, carefully, nervously, excitedly, etc. 

Adverbs, when not overused, can be fine. But many writers over-rely on them to the detriment of their copy. 

“Adverbs are to verbs what ketchup is to steak. The meat by itself has more flavor.”

Adverbs tend to be vague catch-all words we use when we can’t find a stronger verb. They muddy up writing rather than add clarity. 

So, start effective writing without adverbs.

For example, which sentence stands out more to you?

"She quickly ran from the room."


"She sprinted from the room."

Examples of Adverb-free copywriting techniques

“Sprinted” as a verb in the second sentence adds depth and clarity. The adverb “quickly” fails to capture the detail of how she moved.

Good copywriting is all about using the perfect words to convey an idea or scene. Adverbs short-circuit that process. They dilute writing rather than enhance it.

Why Prioritizing Verbs Matters For Copywriting Improvement?

What makes a strong verb better than an adverb?

Verbs pack sentences with action, details, and momentum. They pull readers into a story or description.

"The strength of your communication is determined by the strength of your verbs."

Compare these examples:

"He carefully repaired the broken vase, piecing it back together bit by bit."


"He rebuilt the broken vase, piecing it back together bit by bit."

The second allows you to actually visualize him working on each shard and gluing it into place.

The verb “rebuilt” is far more descriptive.

Vivid verbs engage the reader’s imagination. They convey emotions and scenes without the need for excessive adverbs.

Finding The Right Verb For Your Copy

Okay, so how do we put this into practice? Ditching adverbs means carefully selecting verbs that convey the details you want.

Let me share some tips for choosing better verbs:

1. Use A Thesaurus

Look up synonyms for common verbs to find options with more flavor.


Walk = meander, saunter, tread, etc.

2. Consider Context and Emotion

What details matter in this scene or message?

How would they realistically happen?

Pick descriptive verbs that fit.

3. Read Your Copy Aloud

Do the verbs create vivid imagery when read out loud?

If not, try substituting livelier options such as:

He answered politely  –> He fired back quick-witted responses.

4. Tighten Writing

Look for opportunities where one well-chosen verb can replace a basic verb + adverb combo to tighten the copy.


She anxiously drummed her fingers –> She fidgeted her fingers.

With practice, you’ll get better at identifying wasted adverb opportunities in your copy.

Before & After: How Verbs Strengthen Copy

Let’s look at some real examples of copy improved by swapping adverbs for descriptive verbs:

Website Copy -> About Us


"We carefully design beautiful, modern websites that quickly capture attention. Our team diligently works to deeply understand clients’ needs."


"We design client-generating, modern websites that grab attention. Our team collaborates with clients delving into their needs."

The verbs “design”, “grab” and “collaborate” are far more engaging than their adverb counterparts.

Email Copy -> Promotion


"This is an exciting new product we’re announcing today. Customers can instantly get 10% off purchases by signing up below."


“Introducing our latest product release! Sign up now to claim 10% instant discount on your purchases.”

Social Media Ad Copy


"Our can’t-miss yearly conference is coming soon! Local fans should enthusiastically attend this extremely fun and engaging event."


"Don't miss our upcoming annual conference, promising unforgettable moments! Exciting activities await local enthusiasts."

In each case, eliminating unnecessary adverbs allows the verbs to shine. The copy becomes more lively and concise.

Action Steps: Strengthen Your Verb Game

Ready to step up your own copywriting verb game?

Let’s dive in:

With practice, you’ll train yourself to spot wasted adverb opportunities in your writing. Don’t be afraid to grab a thesaurus and find the perfect verb.

It will pay dividends in your copy clarity.

Your Turn -> Time For Copywriting Improvement

Hopefully, this copywriting improvement gives you ideas and motivation to ditch distracting adverbs and include the power of verbs in your copywriting. 

Start by reviewing your existing copy for any adverbs that can be removed or replaced with stronger verbs. Take your time picking the right verb for each sentence and scene. Read your copy aloud to hear how impactful the new verbs are.

 Improving your copywriting verbs will instantly boost your writing’s clarity, precision, and ability to connect with readers. So put these tips into action and see how much stronger your copy becomes.

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Avinash Mishra

Strategic Content Writer || Persuasive Copywriter || ROI-Driven Marketing Professional || Driving Online Success For Small-Medium Businesses and Large Organizations.


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